It doesn't matter what your position or anyone elses is

Evan Leibovitch evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at
Thu Dec 8 15:31:03 UTC 2005

billt-lxSQFCZeNF4 at wrote:

>It doesn't matter what your position or anyone elses is.
While I don't question the accuracy of Bill's assertion, I wonder 
whether it's a helpful attitude, coming out of an organization that is 
(at least superficially) trying to attract members, volunteers and 
possibly sponsors.

Obviously credibility isn't being sought.

It's already been stated that GTALUG membership is less than 10% of the 
TLUG community. It's probably a _lot_ less than 10%. And given the above 
slogan for the current membership drive, it's not likely to grow much 

The only opportunity for GTALUG to build membership will be at a 
something like LinuxWorld, where people who simply want to "support the 
community" might join without knowing the situation.

>Presently GTALUG runs this mailing list and runs the club.
The conspiracy theorist in people might wonder whether the whole point 
of this exercise is to ultimately funnel membership funds into the hands 
of those who "run the club", to one day generate profit for the 
subcontracted provision of resources that are currently volunteered. 
Since no other purpose has been offered for the money collected, and the 
management of said resources is *the* key stated function of GTALUG, 
it's not inconceivable. Furthermore, since we don't even have access to 
the bylaws online, we don't know what safeguards if any exist to prevent 
this from happening. I for one certainly hope that such bylaw safeguards 
exist, in which case such a theory would be moot.

- Evan

PS: I like Tim's idea about the six-month trial period. However, as 
stated, it doesn't matter what our positions are...

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