Does TLUG have a discount with an ISP?

Christopher Browne cbbrowne-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Fri Dec 2 06:48:15 UTC 2005

On 12/1/05, Mailing List <tlug-KfBRzk3UKwol8X4E99VVQg at> wrote:
> Does anyone know if we have a group discount with a ADSL ISP?

Take a peek at <>; I believe there's something
described there.  It's not a "super cheap" deal; it's more along the
lines of getting something that would normally qualify as a "business"
ADSL connection for a "not unreasonable consumer price."

Unfortunately, many of us have higher expectations than the typical consumer.

After all, with Linux, I can readily set up a server at home that does
things like:
- Providing web server services
- News feed
- File storage/transfer
- CVS/Subversion/Darcs/... server
- My own IMAP server/mail server

And I really want that sorta stuff to be accessible from where ever I
might be, including being able to read home mail when at work.

That may not have the same bandwidth peaks as downloading pirated
videos, but reliability expectations go up a tad, and there's no
reason not to hope for 24x7...
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