Offsite-Use water

teddymills teddymills-VFlxZYho3OA at
Tue Apr 12 13:15:41 UTC 2005

Get a waterproof box or container of some kind....and drop it into your 
toilet tank.(the large one :)
As long as your container is waterproof, your data would be safe. from 
almost any fire.
Water would also dissipate the heat.
Plus you would save on your water bill, and not waste so much water.

If that doesnt work, go industrial. find a large metal container, as 
large as needed,
(45 gallon oil drum if need be, or flatter rectangular shaped)  and  use 

Just thought that one up!

Walter Dnes wrote:

>On Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 01:05:51AM -0400, John Vetterli wrote
>>Just wondering: would keeping CDs and DVDs in a fireproof strongbox
>>keep your data safe and readable if there was a major fire?
>  There are a couple of problems with that...
>  1) A real fire would melt the contents of the strongbox.
>  2) Assuming it survives, I don't expect the police/fire-dept to allow
>     me to meander through the burned-out hulk of the building.  Did I
>     mention that I'm on the 5th floor?

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