testing Sympatico mail servers

E K ekgab-PkbjNfxxIARBDgjK7y7TUQ at public.gmane.org
Mon Apr 4 18:52:56 UTC 2005

A year or so back I was running against the same kind of problem at work, 
though we use all Windoze mail clients. Their mail problem was so bad for us 
that we switched service and opted to have our own mail server, qmail on 
debian. The thing is working like charm ever since to the extent that I am 
almost confident that whatever mail problem that we encounter have nothing 
to do with our mail server even before checking it (though, just for the 
sake of habit, I do check the logs and see indeed the problem is with other 
mail servers...mainly those based on M$ technologies).

I don't know if that helps in any way, except to say, move to a different 

----Original Message Follows----
From: John Moniz <john.moniz-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at public.gmane.org>
Reply-To: tlug-lxSQFCZeNF4 at public.gmane.org
To: tlug-lxSQFCZeNF4 at public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: [TLUG]: testing Sympatico mail servers
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2005 13:04:35 -0400

David J Patrick wrote:

>Chris Gow wrote:
>>On March 30, 2005 12:47 pm, David J Patrick wrote:
>>>the Sympatico mail servers have been acting strangely for me, 
>>>last couple of weeks. smtp down for days at a time, and incoming
>>>arriving late.
>>Have you complained to Bell about this? A friend of mine is having
>>similar problems receiving email. He called and complained and got
>>a month's free service.
>OH yeah ! Howling and growling ! Grumble MSN this, and Passport that
>I leaned on the linux horn with a heavy hand. For your amusement,
>copied the latest here.
>I have been a loyal Bell Canada customer for over 20 years and used
>Sympatico for the past 5, or so. Several years ago I switched to
>(after huge frustrations with Windows) and with the help of the
>community, have been a happy sympatico customer.
>I'm not happy any more !
>The recent merger with Microsoft has broken several things for us
>users) and I suspect this is no accident. In particular, the move to
>MSN mail servers has resulted in truly poor mail handling. If I
>that this was temporary I would just live with it, but as you phase
>the old smtp servers you are forcing all customers to 
"upgrade" to
>Passport authentication. As you may or may not know, Microsoft will
>allow access to Passport sign-up with linux. This is a big problem.
>so what do I want ?
>1) I am paying for mail handling that I am not receiving. I would
>like a
>rebate for the week+ (and ongoing).
>2) wake up and smell the coffee ! linux is here. It is stable,
>easy to use and free. People who try it, stay with it, and this year
>will see linux adoption on an unprecedented scale. Your "What we
>support" webpage lists linux among "Out-of-date and 
>operating systems". This is grossly inaccurate; I run no servers 
>entire system is upgraded daily.
>No-one can tell you what to use internally, be wall-to-wall
>if you like (and if you don't mind the down-time) but to be a
>world-class ISP you should recognize that your pals from Redmond are
>the only game in town. Failing to do so will result in loss of
>base and big bad press.
>3) If your new policy is decidedly anti-linux (instead of the usual
>apathy) you should just be honest, and send a notice to your many
>linux-using customers alerting them that their chosen platform is
>longer welcome" giving them a chance to secure a more compatible
>I have been promised a response, in previous exchanges with
>tech support, but my Inbox remains empty (see: technical
>difficulties ?)
>I expect a coherent response to this one.
>Sympatico customer, for now,
>David Patrick
>Still no decent response, though. I think my days as a Sympatico
>customer are numbered.
They probably didn't get your e-mail :-)

I'm having problems also (just the past week though) and am not happy about 
it. Good to know when I start arguing with that I'm not the only one.

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