perl file browser

Ilya Palagin ilyapalagin-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Thu May 6 19:36:30 UTC 2004

Madison Kelly wrote:
> Fraser Campbell wrote:
>> On Tuesday 04 May 2004 19:40, Madison Kelly wrote:
>>>   Does anyone either know of a similar script that does this that I can
>>> hack up and study or does anyone have any helpful advice they think
>>> might help me if I do end up having to write this from the ground up?
>>> Thanks!!
>> I am wondering why you're choosing to do this through a web interface?
>> What is the actual required goal?
>> A web interface may be the most appropriate way to do this but I don't 
>> enough information to know this for sure, there are many ways to skin 
>> a cat.
> Humm, I'll probably catch flak for this but my personal philosophy is 
> that making everything accessible via a web front end is both the best 
> way to go and the future trend of program interface. Add to that the
It isn't always true. Think about a directory with a few thousand files. 
Just handling the list of selections will occupy a lot of memory, and 
each update of this file list will be slow even in LAN.

> fact that a user will likely feel less apprehention is the feel of the 
> program is similar to a web page, something even novice users use daily. 
> Also the ability to make something available remotely and independant of 
> the client OS is very, very attractive.
> I realize that right now it probably isn't the easiest possible root but 
> there are also practical benefits, too. Some of the client machines are 
> Linux, some are Windows and some are Mac. This allows me to roll out a 
Samba + native file browsers will be the best

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