Static IP

Matthew Godycki mcg2-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Wed May 5 18:33:24 UTC 2004

> The reason I need a static IP is I want to build my home webpage on my server. Later on I can do some labs such as building DNS, LAN, FTP ,ISP etc.

You don't technically need a static ip for that.  You can always get a dynamic dns service (eg: to map a free domain to your changing ip.  All you'd need to do is run a script on your server to periodically update the dns entry at the dynamic dns provider.

I have cable, and technically, my ip can change every once in a while... but it's only changed 2-3 times in the last 5 years.  I had a domain and I just update it manually whenever my ip changes, only because I'm too lazy to install the script :D


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