stopping bittorrent

Lennart Sorensen lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at
Mon May 3 17:38:41 UTC 2004

On Mon, May 03, 2004 at 11:43:02AM -0400, daniel wrote:
> you can, but you shouldn't for a while.  bittorrent is cool because it 
> distributes the bandwidth load over multiple clients.  but if everyone just 
> kills the client as soon as they're done downloading, then this distribution 
> is limited only to the few people who leave it on.
> i believe that the general guideline is that you should leave it on for twice 
> as long as it took you to download the file(s).  but if you can, leave it on 
> for as long as possible and keep the bits flowing ;-)

Given the asymetry of most people's connection, something like jigdo
makes much more sense.  let the centralized servers that have the
outgoing bandwidth deal with the load.  It works great for Debian.  Of
course they also encourage just installing what you need using
netisntall rather than being so wasteful as to download an actual iso,
of which you won't ever use 75%.

Lennart Sorensen
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