Belinda is concerned

SRB srb-s8PdfxpoPdHk1uMJSBkQmQ at
Tue Mar 16 21:02:20 UTC 2004

That is why my belief is that Opensource "philosophy" needs to grow and not
get devoured by the greed that exists in ourselves and subsequently in our
societies. Linux is more than an OS to me. It is an example of global



> I would, but we only get chances every 4 years (or whatever) to do
> something about it. And the fact that my vote gets watered down by every
> moron out there who only cares about their own back yard or issue
> bothers me. Democracy = tyranny of the majority.
> Cops are busting people for smoking weed or stealing chocolate bars when
> we have thieves running alot of our institutions and corporations. We
> have idiots tearing down an re-erecting children's play grounds based on
> specious evidence, yet our armed forces has to borrow batteries from
> other militaries for our planes to fly. The governor general (why does
> that office exist anymore?) lives in a nice, big fancy house and there's
> potholes on my street. We buy a piece of shit submarine off the British
> that breaks down partway across the Atlantic ocean after being shipped,
> yet hospital beds are being closed and ER waits are too long.
> We're spending OUR money feeding and medicating people in other
> countries, yet our own native peoples get fucked over and people
> downtown (the legit ones) are begging for something to eat. People need
> housing, yet how many empty lots are there downtown with nothing being
> built on them? How 'bout we fix our country first before shipping cash
> overseas? People will send all kinds of money to the JDF or whatever
> ethnic organization, yet they could take that money, buy a picnic table
> and some sandwiches, and feed local hungry kids, or sponsor food banks.
> I gotta haul my 6 year old VW into the shop every 2 years for the 'Drive
> Clean' program even though I keep it in great shape, yet I see thousands
> and thousands of shitty old cars spewing fumes all over the place or
> dripping oil, and rigs belching smoke into the air.
> Honestly, I believe things (almost the whole world over) are too far
> gone to fix, and that the whole rotten, odious machine needs to be torn
> down to the ground and built up again, and this time built properly. We
> need an apocalypse to thin out the herds and kill off the stupid, unfit
> and greedy people. And the fat unhealthy ones too.

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