rogers cabal and blacklisting

Tom Wright tom-X19vj+WbKj3k1uMJSBkQmQ at
Thu Jan 8 22:14:01 UTC 2004

So all of a sudden I find my emails bouncing. A little investigation and 
it appears that SORBS identifies my IP as a dynamic one (quite right it 
is, although it hasnt changed fro at least 3 months) so is red flagging 
(or black holing) all emails sent from my server. Now I use the SORBS 
blacklists in my configuration and they have been a great help in cutting 
down spam but why are they so anti dynamic ip's? I've checked carefully 
and its not like my machine is an open relay.
In addition reading the SOBS policy on dynamic ip's it seems likely that 
rogers has entered it's own dynamic ip address ranges into the SORBS 
database. This is a sneaky and underhand way of stopping me from running 
my own mail server. I would like to point out to rogers I was actually 
saving them processor cycles and thus money by handling my own email.
Now it seems that I need to relay all my email through the rogers servers 
which if i remember correctly (must admit i havent checked this recently) 
not only require smtp authentication (irritating since one of my clients 
dosnt support it) but also require me to use a addy as the from 

So who should I be pissed at here?
Rogers - for making my life difficult
SORBS - for being a little over eager
Myself - for trying to get clever

nyway enuff said time to find a solution
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