Linux ISP w/USR 56K modem?

SRB srb-s8PdfxpoPdHk1uMJSBkQmQ at
Tue Feb 10 03:27:28 UTC 2004

aitken-BwLjziHGQLusTnJN9+BGXg at wrote:

>>>Currently I'm using 3web as my dial-up ISP. They use a Windows log-on, 
>What does that mean? If this is a paid-for dial-up account to an ISP they shouldn't care what OS you use.  All you need is the names of the smtp and pop3 servers, and the phone number for dialup, you account name and password. That's it.
>>>but I want to be able to access the internet from Linux. Does anyone 
>>>know of any ISPs that offer Linux connectivity (preferably dial-up)?
>Again, no such thing (as far as I know) as "Linux connectivity" - smtp and pop3 server names, account, password and dial-up phone number are all you need.

They use a windows program to connect using an encrypted authentication 
technique. Even the phone number is hidden. I think if I had the phone 
number and any other info, their end would still check to see if the 
windows program was running on my end, or it would fail. Sort of like 
Netzero and AOL I think.

Not to worry though, I fully intend to contact (thanks to 
Walter's tip) for dialup. I've found a place that's selling the USR 2976 
modem for $59, so I'll probably pick one up this week and be surfing 
from linux by the weekend! :-)

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