the box locks up !

Fraser Campbell fraser-eicrhRFjby5dCsDujFhwbypxlwaOVQ5f at
Tue Feb 3 23:57:04 UTC 2004

Do any interesting errors in the logs when you do this:

  grep /dev/hdb /var/log/messages

> On boot, BIOS indicates that both drives are S.M.A.R.T. capable but
> disabled, should I (have) enabled that feature ?

Some BIOSes don't let you enable smart (some Gigabytes that I have) but once 
in the OS you can enable it if you wish with smartctl.  I wouldn't bother; 
I've been running smart for over a year on all of my machines in that time 
every machine has had it's logs filled with useless messages like this:

    smartd: Device: /dev/hdc, S.M.A.R.T. Attribute: 195 Changed -1

Now if these messages were useful in predicting failure I'd be fine with 
seeing them, problem is they aren't useful.  Since I've been using smart I've 
had two hard drive failures in neither case did smart see the failure, let 
alone predict failure (which is smart's intent).

Fraser Campbell <fraser-Txk5XLRqZ6CsTnJN9+BGXg at>       
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