Anyone using a Tungsten T5 PDA with Linux?

Kevin Cozens kcozens-qazKcTl6WRFWk0Htik3J/w at
Tue Dec 21 03:13:59 UTC 2004

>>The information on the T5 indicates it can be seen as a
>>USB flash drive which allows a user to drag and drop of files to/from
>>it under Windows. If this is being done via SMB it should be possible
>>to do the same thing under Linux.
>You can mount SD/MMC cards much like flash drives if you get one of the
>USB devices to plug them into.
>As far as treating the main memory on the T5 as if it were a SCSI
>device, that's something that the pilot-link people have some plans for
>that has not yet gotten to fruition.
With the amount of memory in the T5 I have no plans to buy an extra 
memory cards for it at this time let alone buying a reader for those 
memory cards that would plug in to my desktop computer.

I have not read anything about the memory being treated as a SCSI 
device. I was talking about it being configured as a USB flash drive. I 
don't know if that means it would be seen as a SCSI device or not. I 
thought it might mean the device would communicate via SMB (Samba) 
allowing me to use smbmount. With the hotplug feature of Linux the T5 
might even get automounted.

As for the other way to communicate with the device, I know of 
gnome-pilot (and pilot-link?) which were installed by default as part of 
FC3. I removed them since I had no need of them. Looks like I will have 
to re-install them. I also discovered jpilot during my research so I 
will check that out as well.

I think I will go with the T5 since the price is too good to pass up. 
Once I have had some time to try it out and see how it works with Linux 
I can report back.

Thanks for the comments.


Kevin.  (

Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172        |"What are we going to do today, Borg?"
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