Mac OS-X

cbbrowne-HInyCGIudOg at cbbrowne-HInyCGIudOg at
Thu Dec 16 04:05:23 UTC 2004

> As far as I know, Apple Unix runs on mach, mklinux runs on mac, Mac OS
> X runs on mach, nextstep runs on mach (I believe).  They apparently
> only understand running an OS on top of a microkernel.

Originally, Mach wasn't a microkernel; it represented a model for a
different shaping of threading and IPC on Unix.  OSF/1 which was later
called Digital UNIX was based on Mach, but _wasn't_ a microkernel

And yeah, there's an opinionated/knowledgeable senior Mach person at
Apple.  Tevanian worked on Mach back in the beginning, and is now Chief
Software Technology Officer at Apple...

In view of having someone eminent that has long term wisdom about Mach
and its usage, Apple could certainly do worse than pick that as one of
the technologies.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"I really only meant to point out how nice InterOp was for someone who
doesn't  have the weight of the  Pentagon behind him.   I really don't
imagine that the Air Force will ever be  able to operate like a small,
competitive enterprise like GM or IBM." -- Kent England
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