dan takes a poll: server names

Matthew Gamble tlug-Xk30rxnpnVyw5LPnMra/2Q at public.gmane.org
Thu Apr 29 22:15:18 UTC 2004

daniel wrote:

>i like to pick people's brains on this issue.  your boxes @home and @work.  
>what names have you given them?  do they conform to a theme at all?  just a 
>survey if you're interested.  here's my stuff:
>  fightclub (router)
>  moulinrouge (desktop)
>  empirerecords (file/webserver)
>  pirates (windows)
We used to use characters from William Gibson novels at work (jones, 
chevette, wintermute, etc) but once the network got past 10 or so 
servers, that just became too hard to grow with.  I've found that while 
a 'theme' for servers is nice, it's a real pain once you pass a certain 
point.  Now we just name everything with what it does (spamfilter, 
perdition, mailstore, rhbuild, etc) and I find it makes network 
management 100% easier. 

Trust me - at 3AM when you get a page saying "mycatchyname" is down, you 
will be stuck scratching your head trying to remember what it does.  A 
page from "radiussrv1" it a lot more informative.

Personally, I use "fire names" for my own machines that don't have any 
specific purpose (like a desktop).  For example, firebird, pyro, 
phoenix, etc. 

Just my 0.02

M. Gamble
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