Spam fighting tools

talexb-SBdzbUvMQDunS0EtXVNi6w at talexb-SBdzbUvMQDunS0EtXVNi6w at
Mon Apr 5 15:50:34 UTC 2004


It seems as if I unintentionally started off a wave of "That's nothing!!"
responses with my comment that I get 50-100 E-Mails a day, much of it

I do actually have anti-spam measures in place:

1. My web provider pair Networks ( allows me to turn on Junk Mail
filtering per account -- at the most sensitive it catches about 80% of the
spam, using Bayesian filtering.

2. I use PMMail 2000 on my Windows box -- it is set up with additional
filters that junk E-Mail with certain patterns in it.

3. On my Linux boxes I use good PINE for E-Mail, and I've set up filters
there as well, so I am well used to the eXpunge command to get rid of
E-Mail that's marked as junk.

4. When I have time, I send any remaining spam off to SpamCop.Net, which
parses the headers and URLs in the message and fires off messages to the
appropriate parties.

If I ever get as far having my own mail server (not possible while I live
at the end of a Sympatico DSL line), I will definitely go with some sort
of white list -- domains or E-Mail addresses that I trust get through
without a problem; anyone else gets an automatically generated challenge.

Unfortunately, spam is a symptom of today's society. If you have a phone
number (especially one you've had for a long time), you get telemarketers,
fax dialers looking for fax machines to send junk to, etc; if you have an
E-Mail address (again, especially one you've used for a while) you get
spam; and if you have a mailbox, you get junk mail.

And it will continue as long as it's economical. Weird.


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