Ximian Evolution question

Alan Cohen alan-QVObF66B6qeOg/Yh5kgvkFaTQe2KTcn/ at public.gmane.org
Tue Sep 23 14:11:03 UTC 2003

On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 22:46, Madison Kelly wrote:
> Is there a way to tell the IMAP server though to kill a message somehow?
> I imagine there must be otherwise space would be chewed through in a
> hurry.

Mail quota systems can be put in place.

With Maildir format, since messages are individual files, a cron job
could remove old files (an easier task than with other single-file

> Is IMAP something like a web front-end, by chance?

IMAP is an email reception protocol (IMAP/143 vs POP3/110)
Various email readers have IMAP-Client capabilities built into them.

As far as a "web front-end" is concerned, here's something of a
	- Imagine an IMAP client that runs on the server.
	- Now imagine a sophisticated CGI program that's fired off by a
	  browser contacting a web-server
	- That CGI talks to the IMAP client on one side and the browser
	  on the other side.

Courier-IMAP and SqWebMail is a great combination that together address
the web front-end thing.

See http://www.inter7.com for discussions on Courier-IMAP, SqWebMail and
Maildrop all of which understand the same set of extended Maildir

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