wireless/broadband router recommendations?

James Knott james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Thu Sep 4 21:59:44 UTC 2003


> Hi,
> I am interested in one of the 802.11g access points. I have noticed that 
> access points are often more expensive than routers and they never seem 
> to go on sale. Can the routers be used as access points? In other words, 
> is it possible to disable the routing, dhcp, and firewall capabilities 
> of the routers, such as those from Linksys, D-Link, and SMC and use them 
> strictly as access points?
> I use an old PC running Linux for firewalling, routing, and dchp and 
> have no  desire to change that. The plan is to add a third NIC to the 
> Linux box, run IPsec on it so that all wireless communications will be 
> across IPsec tunnels.

I have wondered the same. As far as I know, the Wi-fi side is bridged to 
the local lan, so it could be used as an access point.  However, as with 
all wireless, you have to be careful with security.  One thing I had 
considered, was to put the wireless box between my main firewall and the 
Internet.  I'd then use a VPN, to get behind my main firewall and 
visitors could also use it, to access the net, but not have access to my 
network.  With the low cost of these devices, it wouldn't hurt too much 
to buy one to experiment with.

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