IT Job creations... IT job losses?

Fraser Campbell fraser-Txk5XLRqZ6CsTnJN9+BGXg at
Fri Oct 31 14:53:30 UTC 2003

On Friday 31 October 2003 08:33, JoeHill wrote:

> My main complaint is the same one as I have with something like WineX or
> Crossover, there are so many OSS projects that can do what closed source
> proprietary software does, and Lindows is just encouraging people to use
> Linux to run the same old crap, instead of really exploring OSS
> alternatives.

As far as I know they don't encourage or market any Windows emulation 
technology, that stuff is a (useful) hack and not a long term solution.

> way to go to achieve that. If I were recommending someone switch to
> Linux, I would push Mandrake or Debian, not Lindows.

Me too (well not sure about Mandrake ;-)

> Oh, and Lindows deals with WalMart, a company that has a *very* bad
> track record when it comes to labour and union-busting, and we all know
> how I stand on that subject ;-)

I assume all Linux people hate unions ;-)

Lindows plays an aggressive marketing game, if Linux on the desktop expects to 
get big anytime soon I think that is needed.  Microsoft awful security record 
might help open people's minds to Linux but if someone isn't in their face 
I'm not sure they'll consider Linux as a viable alternative (or even know 
about it).

Fraser Campbell <fraser-Txk5XLRqZ6CsTnJN9+BGXg at>       
Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada                             Debian GNU/Linux

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