how to log out without panel

JoeHill joehill-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Thu Oct 30 15:03:56 UTC 2003

On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 21:23:10 -0500
Chris Aitken <aitken-BwLjziHGQLusTnJN9+BGXg at> uttered:

> But does anyone know how I can log out of this accoutntso my daughter
> can log into her account? I managed to create an xterm icon (from the
> nautilus Start Here icon) and I do all my work from there, launching
> applications, doing backups, etc. It's good for me. But I don't know
> how to log out of the GUI.  Logging out of my daughter's account and
> into mine is no problem, but the other way around I don't know how. I
> tried Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to command line,  logout, su - daughter, 
> startx - that was my best guess but of course it didn't work and it
> reported X is already up.

You could go Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get a different TTY, log in, and then start
X like so (as you say, one X server is already running, so you have to
start a different X session):

startx -- :1

This will start whatever the default desktop is for that user or
according to the systemwide config in /etc/X11/Xsession.

You can specify what desktop the individual user gets by creating a file
in their home dir called .xinitrc and making it executable.

In there, if you want Gnome, just put "exec gnome-session".

The thing is, you don't even have to log out of your current session to
let your daughter use another. The only complications would come with
sound, AFAIK, since if you are using the sound server, she will not be
able to. Ain't X cool?

The missing panel, I have no idea. From your xterm, run
"gnome-control-center" and see if you can't get the panel back that way.

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