Mandrake9.2 is out!
aacton-B71PBEe7S7Y at
Sat Oct 18 20:10:46 UTC 2003
On Sat, 2003-10-18 at 15:25, D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:
> Can you give us a blurb about your contributions? I'm sure TLUG
> members would like to know about local developments.
Sure, I'd be glad to.
I've been a Mandrake developer for about two years. I started when the
organization was very 'corporate', i.e. the company decided everything,
and we sent them contributions, and they accepted them or not. I was
part of the 'big turn over' last year, when about half the staff was
laid off, and the development model had to be redesigned. Mandrake went
from 25% volunteer to about 75% volunteer in those two years, and it's
working very well. See the new community wiki for details:
I'm now the maintainer of most scientific and audio/video production
applications in Mandrake, as well as some extra GTK/GNOME2 stuff. You
can see a list of my work at:
At present, I'm working on two personal projects:
1. FreeChem, a live-CD of scientific software, mostly chemistry/biochem
related stuff, that runs from a CD
2. FreeJam, a live-CD of audio production software that runs from a CD
Both are Mandrake based, but run live, from a CD, so that Windows users
can try them out without repartitioning or similar annoyances. Neither
are endorsed or supported by Mandrake in any way... they are my own
creations. FreeChem will be ready this week, and FreeJam should be
ready in a month or so. I hope to do a video editing CD soon as well.
I'll be giving out copies of FreeChem at the Seneca Open Source
Symposium this Friday:
as I'm a part-time chemistry professor at the Seneca at York campus.
Other than that, it's very cool to be a new member of TLUG. I've never
attended a meeting, but I hope to in their near future.
The Toronto Linux Users Group. Meetings:
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