Mandrake9.2 is out!

Elliott Chapin echapin-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Wed Oct 15 17:22:50 UTC 2003

There doesn't seem to be a way for urpmi to get me from 9.1 to 9.2. So I 
made up a boot floppy with network.img. Once that was up and running all 
was fine until I hit the source panel (ftp site, directory). Despite 
connection and various guesses as to how deep into the tree to go I got a 
report that mdk_inststage2.bz2 couldn't be found. Perhaps there's a bit of 
"common knowledge" that I've missed re how to fill in the "directory" field.

Thanks again for any advice.

At 07:30 PM 10/14/03, you wrote:
>On 10/15/2003 11:12:44 AM, Elliott Chapin wrote:
>>Please elaborate on this or point me to a reference. I ended up
>>blowing away my 9.0 because I didn't have enough disk space to do 9.1
>>as an update using my CheapBytes CDs. So I am hoping urpmi can
>>operate incrementally. I suppose order of packages is important.
>Urpmi works almost exactly like apt-get.  I'm amazed how few people
>know about this, since Mandrake has been using it for years.
>To add a new repository:
># urpmi.addmedia <name> <location>
>where location can be an ftp, http, local, etc.
>See the for a list of mirrors.
>To update the repositories (local ones excluded):
># urpmi.update -a
>To install a package, and all it's dependencies:
># urpmi <package name>
>To remove a package:
># urpme <package name>
>To upgrade the whole distro:
># urpmi --auto-select
>All of this is explained at as well as $ man urpmi.
>Note that on the mirrors, there are floppy images available if you want
>to install the whole distro by ftp or http or hd.
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