Microsoft Must be held accountable.

JoeHill joehill-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Mon Oct 13 00:00:11 UTC 2003

On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 19:04:53 -0400
Anton Markov <anton-F0u+EriZ6ihBDgjK7y7TUQ at> uttered:

> Your concept of a "corporation" is very outdated.  A corporation is 
> nothing more than a record sitting in a file-folder in some lawyer's 
> office. 

Wrong. Corporations have the same problems with inequality that
individuals do. If you honestly believe that a corp someone starts in
their basement can compete with something like MS on an even playing
field, well, you've been in a basement for awhile ;-)
> The power of the corporation comes from the fact that it can protect 
> individuals from lawsuits and the government.
> If someone sues you personally, you can get thrown in jail, your 
> possessions can be confiscated, etc. 

You can get thrown in jail from a civil lawsuit now?! Shite, I gotta
keep up with current events better...

> The best part about this deal is that these advantages are available
> to anyone.  

Riiiiiiggghht, now we're in fairy tale land with dancing candy ponies
and chocolatey marshmallows...LOL!

> It's not about luck.  Anyone can use these tools if they
> want to, no matter what you do for a living.  I would recommend a
> great book called "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki if you want
> to learn more about the "secretes" of the rich.

It's no secret: exploit whatever advantage you can to crush your
competition, including paying off government officials, manipulating the
market with propagandistic FUD, mass-marketing inferior products that
lock your customers into a neverending upgrade cycle, etc.

MS has it down cold ;-)

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