William Park opengeometry-FFYn/CNdgSA at
Sat Nov 29 20:31:40 UTC 2003

On Sat, Nov 29, 2003 at 09:01:26AM -0500, cbbrowne-HInyCGIudOg at wrote:
> And what is further interesting about the Microsoft situation is that
> the _genuine_ political opposition is mostly taking place outside the
> US.
> In the US, Microsoft can wave the American flag and say, "Support us!
> It's Unamerican to do otherwise!"
> But any place where they are 'alien,' the money that goes into licenses
> is being sent to a foreign nation, taking money out of the domestic
> software market.  Microsoft can pay for a lot of lobbyists, but the only
> country in which they can play the "patriotism" card is the US.  If they
> buy off politicians, it can't be disguised as some form of patriotism.

It's quite amusing to see all these cheap shots directed at Microsoft,
while leaving the hardware players (ie. Intel, IBM) alone.  Whether it's
OS/2, Windows, DOS, or Linux, they're all running on Intel CPU.  If
Microsoft's dominance is so bad, then Intel's position is worse by order
of magnitude.

So far, Korean (federal) and German (municipal) government decided to
try Linux.  This means Intel CPU, also.  Where are the commies when you
really need them?

William Park, Open Geometry Consulting, <opengeometry-FFYn/CNdgSA at>
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