R: Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES

cbbrowne-HInyCGIudOg at public.gmane.org cbbrowne-HInyCGIudOg at public.gmane.org
Mon Nov 17 04:29:45 UTC 2003

> If the price of using redhat doesn't scare you, might I suggest that
> you use Debian (or any other freely available OSS distro) and donate
> the money that you would have spent on Redhat to an OSS outfit that
> can put it to better use?

It wouldn't take many people using Debian and contributing $1500 per
server per year to add up to a LOT of help to support managing packages.

Indeed, it wouldn't be half bad to send $20 in once in a while...

Or to pick a package at random, and send $20 to someone associated with

% dpkg -l | wc -l
%  perl -e "print int(rand()*870), \"\\n\";"       
% dpkg -l | head -544 | tail -1
ii  libtiff3g-dev  3.5.7-2        Tag Image File Format library,

... And see who's responsible, and send a little bit of money at them...

Note that I'm NOT expecting it to necessarily be tax-deductible or
anything of the sort; a small gift that isn't deductable will almost
surely not be taxable in the hands of the recipient, and certainly
requires minimal paperwork...
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="cbbrowne.com" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
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