
Sergey Kuznetsov skuznets-WRMZ5ucGVl4BXFe83j6qeQ at
Mon Nov 3 21:15:02 UTC 2003

On November 3, 2003 11:03 am, Hugh Reilly wrote:
> In my experience, OO is slow to open, but once it's open, it runs just
> fine. So I can forgive the slow opening. And I actually do prefer it to
> Word. It actually let's me do what I want rather than having Bill Gates
> "think for me", which only requires additional mouse-clicks to undo what
> Bill thinks I want.

	Guys, please don't blame the OOP. OOP C++ is as wast as almost C
or Asm does.
	It slow because it loads tons of SO modules and then linker starts to maps 
all that relative addresses in SO modules into the real ones in the pocess's 
Yes, you can make the static version and it will load faster but it will have 
the huge memory footprint for every instance of OpenOffice.
Or you can do the same way how the MS Office does. because .SO == .DLL
Or you could ask OO developers use the lazy .SO initialization, and then
real function mapping will be done when that function will be called.

All the Best!
Sergey Kuznetsov
Senior Software Developer
Blueprint Initiative
Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute
at Mount Sinai Hospital
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