Waaaay offtopic
David J Patrick
davidjpatrick-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at public.gmane.org
Sun Dec 21 18:08:44 UTC 2003
> One person I'd never believe is a naturopathic "doctor". Naturopathy
> is based on a bogus belief that a tiny amount of something that causes
> the same symptoms as a disease will cure or prevent it. The problem
> is, that the doses generally prescribed are physically impossible.
> For example a common dilution of the "medicine" is 10X or divided with
> water or alcohol 10:1, 10 times. The problem with this amount of
> dilution, is that the number of molecules gets in the way. In order
> to consume one molecule of the substance, you'd have to drink several
> thousand gallons of water. They also have another dilution of 100C,
> which is 100:1 100 times, which is even more impossible.
> You might want to read "Voodoo Science" by Dr. Robert Park or "A Demon
> Haunted World", by Carl Sagan for further info.
I think the practice you are slagging is actually "homeopathy".
Yes, microdoses sound downright improbable, but I have to say that I
have seen it used successfully countless times over the last 30 years.
Just because we don't understand something doesn't always mean it's bogus.
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