(remote) install fest

Andrew Malcolmson andzy-ZTO5kqT2PaM at public.gmane.org
Wed Dec 17 06:35:09 UTC 2003

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 09:20:19 -0500, Robert Brockway wrote:
> May I suggest you look into configuring a software serial console and
> either put it in the back of another server or connect it to a modem. As
> always assess your security needs when allowing access to the console.
> If there is someone on-site who can connect the console modem to the phone
> network on request (and disconnect it afterwards), a console on dialup
> probably isn't too insecure.
> Connecting the serial console to another box which is accessible only via
> ssh is also good as long as you trust the owners of the other box.

Thanks for these ideas, Robert.  This is just for a community centre's
user group though, so security isn't a big concern.

I'm glad you mentioned this, though, since you gave me an idea as
to how I can help someone I know needs a serial connection on a newer
laptop without a serial port: I'll bet they could use PPP over a modem.

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