Toronto Area Novell Users Group - BrainShare 2004

rickl-ZACYGPecefkNbK0NzMECUg at rickl-ZACYGPecefkNbK0NzMECUg at
Sat Dec 6 22:27:44 UTC 2003

The Toronto Area Novell Users Group ( is a
virtual community of computer professionals. As you know Novell is 
active with Linux. If you want leading edge information on what 
Novell is doing with SuSE and other Linux projects, BrainShare in 
Salt Lake City, UT is the place to be March 21-26, 2004. Airfare is 
approximately $550.00CD and hotel is $100.00US or less per day and 
needs to be booked separately.

The Toronto Area Novell Users Group has a BrainShare discount 
available for chapter members. You will need to send in your NAME, 
COMPANY, and E-MAIL ADDRESS along with the $35.00CD annual donation 
payable to: "Toronto Area Novell Users Group" if you are not a 
current member. See:

Please do not send this information until you are ready to register. 
When we receive your information we will email you back a 
registration code within a week or so which will only be eligible for 
those people that are the NUI list.  

The discount is 20% off the early bird price of $1,595US which makes 
the price $1,276US. This discount will only be good until February 2, 

For more information about The Toronto Area Novell Users Group please 
go to

1. This Group Discount applies to NEW REGISTRATIONS ONLY and cannot be
combined with any other discount.  No refunds will be given if an 
attendee has already registered and gets the discount code later.

2. The Group Discount does NOT apply to Novell Training Vouchers.  If 
a NUI member is planning on using Training Vouchers to attend 
BrainShare, the Group Registration code cannot be used.  For 
additional information on the use of Novell Training Vouchers for 
BrainShare, please see

Rick Tomaschuk
Toronto Area Novell Users Group
Email: info-PE4J8xSbImWvmauoTqQZlQ at

The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
TLUG requests: Linux topics, No HTML, wrap text below 80 columns

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