[GTALUG] brands matter; Lenovo's brands

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh at mimosa.com
Tue Sep 19 02:42:37 EDT 2023

| From: Nicholas Krause via talk <talk at gtalug.org>

| I thought NVIDIA have open sourced the drivers outside of userspace for 2000
| series and up. The git repo is here:
| https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules. Not sure if which distro
| your using has the packages for it,
| but I would be surprised outside of that if it doesn't work fine for newer
| GPUs. That's if you install the
| driver package for it if it exists.

It can help nouveau.  I don't know if nouveau uses it yet.  But this is 
important for managing clocking and power on recent NVidia cards.

Nouveau doesn't work for me.  This is on a card so old that the new stuff 
isn't needed.

So I use the proprietary drive.  And my card is now "legacy"; the legacy 
proprietary drive won't support wayland.  That means my computer will 
shortly be unable to run current Linux distros.  A replacement video card 
(AMD) is worth more than the computer at this point.

Summary: good use of an nvidia card requires proprietary drivers.  nvidia 
had unconscionable restrictions that made nouveau impractical.  They have 
fixed that.

At least that's how I understand things.

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