[GTALUG] Feature Highlight - Wayland Compositor Hand-Off

Scott Sullivan scott at revident.net
Tue Sep 12 11:18:03 EDT 2023


This is a robustness improvements that let Wayland clients 
(applications/programs) gracefully survive and reconnect with the 
Wayland Compositor after a crash / restart or even complete replacement 
with a different Wayland compositor.

X11 Server, from what I understood in my old explorations, 
architecturally it would not have been possible to get there from within 
the limits of X11's design.

As someone who daily drives KDE Plasam Wayland, I'm really looking 
forward to this coming down stream. I've at various time suffered the 
pain of loosing my whole session over crash bugs. A frustrating, but 
thankfully brief example was a combination of PrusaSlicer and the QT 
file dialog triggering a compositor crash. It really takes me back 15 
years, when the same level of instability was in X11's ecosystem. But I 
switched to KDE's Wayland compositor because there are meaningful parts 
that are already surpassing the prior art, and competing with what the 
commercial OSes are putting out.

Scott Sullivan

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