[GTALUG] Boot fails into Linux

sciguy sciguy at vex.net
Mon Sep 4 13:49:26 EDT 2023

I have a dual-boot PC running WIndows 10 and Ubuntu Studio Linux 22.x 
LTS. Over the past year or so, I could not boot into Ubuntu, and the 
reasons were difficult to trace, which is why I had put it off, and used 
Windows for a while.

Now that I am taking the time to poke around the Linux system, I had 
noticed things that were highly unusual:

1) I noticed two swap partitions. Was that me being absent-minded when I 
did the installation/upgrade a year ago? Then I noticed:
2) There are also two (2) EFI partitions. One installed 2 years ago, and 
one installed almost exactly a year ago (I would say that is about when 
the unexplained reboot failures happened. Both EFI partitions are on the 
same physical drive.

I am fine with deleting one of the swap partitions, but is it ok to 
delete one of the EFI partitions, more than likely the newer one? The 
older one is listed as sdd2 (sdd1 is a windows recovery partition), and 
the newer one is sdd7.

Any ideas?


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