[GTALUG] Linux friendly email providers?

Ron / BCLUG admin at bclug.ca
Wed Nov 22 21:35:20 EST 2023

Karen Lewellen via talk wrote on 2023-11-22 18:25:

> let me be more specific..some of you tech wizards run your own mail 
> servers laughs.

I'm guilty of putting myself through that.  Have run email on a small 
domain for a few years and am in the process of moving several more to 
an entirely new system.

Been *really* deep in the various configuration options for multi-domain 
email setup.

> for context, although google is removing access to basic html in 
> January, they pulled my access to it early..and without warning on Monday.

Oh no!

Yet another step in the ongoing decline of Google.

> So, what I am seeking now is a provider that  can..
>   1, allow me to export all of my gmail content to them.

I could provide that ability, see below.

> 2, either allows for user name / password log in directly with a web 
> interface,

RoundCube web interface okay?

> or where I can ssh into a shell or workspace and find an 
> email client, think Alpine for example.

Hmmm. Hadn't considered that.

Perhaps ssh with ForceCommand=/usr/bin/alpine ?

> 3, where I can also send email, in theory once I have all of my gmail 
> content, I can set that email to forward without losing access to a 
> great deal of personal, professional, and legal files.
> Yes, something like Mutt might or might be configured for imap.gmail.com
> However, I am not a programmer, and given all the changes google is 
> making, wonder how long they will allow third party access of that type.
> Would rather locate something Linux friendly,  and even pay for a door 
> then need to construct my own house if that makes sense.
> any good options?

I've considered offering email services, this might be something I could do.

How much storage does your email use? My VPS is fairly restricted on 
space (it can be upgraded).

As far as "exporting" from another account - I used Thunderbird to drag 
& drop all messages between (active) IMAP accounts when setting up new 

Another question - were you wanting your own domain, or is the domain 



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