[GTALUG] Favorite desktop manager?

Lennart Sorensen lsorense at csclub.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jul 28 14:22:35 EDT 2023

On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 11:09:37AM -0700, BCLUG via talk wrote:
> Sounds like you guys hate CLI environments and probably use Siri / Google
> Assistant / Alexa / *voice* as a near ideal human-like user interface then?
> Desktop environments take their name and derive the concept from offices in
> the pre-electronic age. Window managers sound like something only pertinent
> to computers. Like terminals.
> Sounds quite un-Linuxy.
> I say this partially in jest, but also to point out the seeming
> contradiction in what I inferred as the points being made.

Personally I want a window manage that lets me arrange my terminal windows
(although I mostly run them fullscreen with tabs for each session),
lets me open programs (preferable with alf+F2 and typing in what I
want), and has a minimize, maxmimize and close botton on the window.
I don't care about icons on the desktop (it's always covered up anyhow,
so useless place for icons), nor file managers (I have a shell thank
you very much).  And of course alt+tab has to cycle through windows,
preferably in most recently viewed to least recently viewed order.

Everything gnome 3 has done is wrong.  It's developers have no clue what
they are doing and sure don't care about user feedback.  They hijacked
a project name, threw everything away and started over with a terrible
idea of what a desktop should be, with no regard to users.

Len Sorensen

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