[GTALUG] Favorite desktop manager?

Scott Sullivan scott at revident.net
Tue Jul 25 15:29:44 EDT 2023

On 2023-07-25 14:45, BCLUG via talk wrote:
> mwilson--- via talk wrote on 2023-07-25 11:18:
>> what do other people use and like?
> KDE Plasma.

+1 on KDE Plasma Wayland

I have to echo my support of all the KDE Connect features.

But for me, the real wins are all the massive quality of life around 
mixed monitor + docking station situations. This typically had massive 
draw backs and caveats under X11, that 'just work' correctly under KDE's 
wayland implementation.

My daily driver is a GPD Pocket 3 [1], a high-performance 11th Gen Intel 
system, in an 8" form factor.

For context, the GPD Pocket 3, has a 1200x1920 panel (portrait) 
installed at a 90° rotation. Sensor based Auto-rotation from the 
laptop's sensor works out of the box under KDE wayland implementation.

Current X11 doesn't handle per display output UI scaling, so all 
displays get scaled equally. The GPD's screen is best used at 150% UI 
Scaling for me, so having extended monitors also scaled at 150% is just 
aweful. KDE Wayland doesn't suffer from this and does per-display scaling.

Additionally I have some high-rez external 8" screens [2] (that also 
need their own independent UI scaling), with touch input. Touch Screen 
Assignment also work well from the KDE System Settings GUI. No fiddling 
with xinput commands or xorg.conf snippets.

System Settings => Input Devices => Touchscreen

Just select 'Device' and 'Target Display', and your done. The 
association is remembered through re-connections of the display.

[1]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GPD_Pocket_3
[2]: https://www.waveshare.com/8inch-1536x2048-lcd.htm

Scott Sullivan

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