[GTALUG] Mailchannels Vancouver,BC

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh at mimosa.com
Tue Jul 25 10:15:33 EDT 2023

| From: ac via talk <talk at gtalug.org>
| It seems that Mailchannels no longer manages abuse, spam, scams and
| criminal activity and seems to have become a service provider to
| criminal syndicates and other low life, nefarious and scum baggerry
| (does scum baggerry have two G's and two R's?  or is scum baggery even
| a word?) 

I had never heard of them. <https://www.mailchannels.com/>

It seems that they claim to let a client outsource mail handling for a

- they filter inbound SPAM (to your site)

- they don't seem to claim to filter outbound SPAM from your site.
  Looking deeper, they seem to do this if they think that one of
  your accounts has been compromised.

Nothing suggests that they vet their customers.

I take it you know that they are knowingly accepting Bad Guys as
client and that this is new.

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