[GTALUG] computer hardware testing tools.

Karen Lewellen klewellen at shellworld.net
Thu Jul 13 10:43:12 EDT 2023

I believe the confusion, speaking personally, came from well meaning 
projections of information not focused on my actual question, which was 
and remains, 
for software options that tested the integrity of internal  hardware like 
motherboards and their included  ports.
Given I have bought a suitable cable less than two weeks ago, the 
connectors were never the issue.

On Wed, 12 Jul 2023, James Knott wrote:

> On 2023-07-12 18:18, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>>  no one spoke of printer cables.
>>  Serial connectors are 9 pin, parallel cables are 25 pin.  while old style
>>  printer cables use  25 pin as well, there is no, or not to my personal
>>  experience a 9 pin connector at all for those printer cables.
>>  as a side note allot of external speech synthesizer hardware used 25 pin
>>  connectors. and lpt port allocations as well. 
> I thought you mentioned a parallel port in your first message and in a reply 
> to me you said "connects via serial port on the computer, to a parallel port 
> on the back of the reading edge".  I suspect you got confused because while 
> printer ports, on computers, are 25 pin, serial ports, while currently 9 pin, 
> used to be 25 pin.  I then mentioned gender, so you could tell one from the 
> other by touch.

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