[GTALUG] exploring the keyboard [was: OK notebook at a good price: $300, refurb / open box]

James Knott james.knott at jknott.net
Sun Oct 30 11:10:09 EDT 2022

On 2022-10-30 11:01, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
>> Those are all available on the U.S. International keyboard.  All you have to
>> do is enable it.
> Sure, if you remember where they are. 😄
> It would be an improvement if all US keyboards came leveled for that
> layout.
I keep a PDF of that layout on my desktop, for when I have to look up a 
>> ° ¿ « »
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_and_American_keyboards#/media/File:KB_US-International.svg
> How about αβψπλ etc?  Are those easy to type?

Anything that's on that layout is.  Nothing to stop using the compose 
key for those that aren't.
> Of course on windows I use wincompose which has lots of extra definitions
> that are totally crazy such as compose+t+f giving:

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