[GTALUG] OK notebook at a good price: $300, refurb / open box

Lennart Sorensen lsorense at csclub.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Oct 25 19:43:21 EDT 2022

On Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 07:22:44PM -0400, Scott Allen wrote:
> But that has nothing to do with its usability from having a Canadian
> English/French bilingual layout, unless they change the shape of the
> enter and left shift keys for US standard layout keyboards on this
> model.

Any keyboard with french canadian layout has a short left shift key
(and an extra key to the left of z) and a skinny vertical enter key (with
another key between ' and enter).  If you can order it with a US layout
then it won't have any of that, although many brands don't even offer
any other layout on models sold in Canada because apparently it's easier
to just ship one model to the entire country that most of the country
(including many in Quebec) doesn't want and despises.

In fact most keyboard layouts in the world are based on the ISO layout
unfortunately which sucks for those of us that learned to type on a
US layout.

Len Sorensen

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