[GTALUG] odd error when running the screen program?

Karen Lewellen klewellen at shellworld.net
Sun Oct 2 11:33:36 EDT 2022

Hi folks,
Both shellworld, and dreamhost, use Ubuntu as the basis for their shell 
Sharing that up front, as this may be tied to Ubuntu.
There is a program called screen, apparently common across some Linux 
one can create the equal of a screen shot,
screen www.website.com
followed by control a -h.
This creates a file called hardcopy, with numbers going up for each file.
However, when I run
screen www.site.com
Regardless of the site I get.
screen cannot  accept www.site.com no such file or directory screen is 
Suggesting that there must be a configuration issue since Debian users I 
know  <and who have likely built there own stuff> are not encountering the 
same problem.
Any tips?

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