[GTALUG] Booting linux from nvme disk?

Peter King peter.king at utoronto.ca
Sat Nov 20 13:56:20 EST 2021

Thanks to Giles and Alex for reporting their experiences, with Fedora and
Ubuntu respectively.  Since the computer runs off a live USB flash drive
with Arch, it is capable of doing so -- it really must be something very
very particular in getting the nvme disk recognized early enough on in the
boot process, something that these other distros take care of automatically.

The "obvious" suggestion, given the symptoms, are that some driver needs to
be loaded right away to allow linux to recognize the nvme disk as bootable.
The culprits most often suggested are the nvme and the vmd modules.  I did
try putting them in mkinitcpio and then rebuilding the initramfs image that
Arch then uses to boot, without success.  But perhaps I should try that
again with a little more patience and care.

I have Arch running just fine on all my other computers, having fallen back
there when I finally ran out of patience with Gentoo over some of their
architecture decisions, so if possible I'd like to run Arch on this one.
Giles's dual-boot suggestion is very clever and I may try that if another
assault on the initramfs doesn't pan out.


Peter King			 	peter.king at utoronto.ca
Department of Philosophy
170 St. George Street #521
The University of Toronto		   (416)-946-3170 ofc
Toronto, ON  M5R 2M8


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