[GTALUG] Remote Connection/Boot Woes

Peter King peter.king at utoronto.ca
Wed Apr 14 15:34:41 EDT 2021

There is a computer several hundred kilometres distant from me that I use
for backing up data.  The other day I had to reboot it, and things have not
been the same.  Most of the time I can't get in: my ssh connection hangs on
the key exchange (usually expecting KEX_ECHD or some such).  But every now
and then, if the wind is right, I get through that -- and once I managed to
get all the way in, though it hung without giving me a command-line prompt.
The messages given (using ssh -vvv) made me suspect that it's the window
size of the packets.  In some sense that's good news, since I know there is
a firmware bug in the ethernet driver so I have to set the mtu < 1500 (and
I usually set it to 1492 after rebooting).  Thing is, I can't log on, so I
can't reset the mtu, so ...

Apart from having someone else go reboot the machine, is there anything I
can do at a distance?  (Apart from despair, that is; I have that covered.)
Probably not.  But the knowledgeable people on this list often surprise me
with things I didn't know about or thought impossible.

Peter King			 	peter.king at utoronto.ca
Department of Philosophy
170 St. George Street #521
The University of Toronto		   (416)-946-3170 ofc
Toronto, ON  M5R 2M8


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