[GTALUG] Cert Advisory FortiOS APT

Russell Reiter rreiter91 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 16:35:29 EDT 2021

On Wed, Apr 7, 2021, 10:03 AM D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk, <talk at gtalug.org>

> | From: Russell Reiter via talk <talk at gtalug.org>
> |
> | The advisory says even if your org doesn't use the os you should apply
> | mitigations.
> |
> |
> https://siliconangle.com/2021/04/04/hackers-actively-targeting-fortios-vulnerabilities-warn-fbi-cisa/
> I was not aware of FortiOS.  I found that it is "the Heart of the Fortinet
> Security Fabric" which doesn't help me.  I conclude: I don't care.

Ok, I can accept that you don't care about this WSL topic.

> The advisory that lists mitigations:
> <https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2021/210402.pdf>
> It seems to say
> 1) if you run FortiOS, you may have a few problems
> 2) even if you don't run it, you should "add key artifact files used by
>    FortiOS to your organization’s execution denylist." [I don't have an
>    execution denylist.]
> 3) the usual Good Things, none specific to this vulnerability.
> Nothing struck me as interesting.  Is there something I'm missing?---

It's the WSL implications of the company's abstract layer which attracted
my attention. Multiplatform support is fraught with it's own difficulties.

Also allegorical descriptions of harmonic balancing of video transmission
across multiple infrastructure networks piqued my interest enough when I
checked out the organization's statement of self. I struggle with some of
my own issues with display management on linux. Although not from the
framework of something not broken, whether using linux or windows.

Sinusoidal wave interference ie. RMS power as it is framed as SNR, causes
one type of video flickering interference. This is not the same as screen
blanking, which is typically a software issue but not necessarily an
interference. There is a wealth of stuff on this list where the poster
couldn't abstract the problem correctly. ie. provide enough information
about the problem from an linux engineering point of view. Describe dbus
and HAL issues correctly if you will.

It is fairly typical of life that, If you don't know how to ask the
question, there is a high probability any answer you arrive at will be

A key linux question for me is whether a signal is triggered from the
leading edge of a signal or the trailing edge or the peak RMS value.

I try to stay distro neutral from an init perspective. From the perspective
of timing and signals, I try to follow a few basic rules in harmonic
balance. In terms of reliability my 1st order is sine, 2nd order is cosine.
Pid (eins) and pid (zwei) if you want to rethink init.


However I think this following page is more euler's formula visual
adaptation of periodic time regression. It doesn't address SNR but it's
animated graphic does indicate peak power level, at top dead centre of the
wave. ELINT enabled video as opposed to stand alone viewing of fig 1, fig 2
etcetera etcetra etc.


The third option in signal mapping I think this factor depends on the first
wave generation. I believe that is the abstraction where sine intersects
with it's other two complementary characteristics. cosine it's two
complements and; T transition object is (i) fully described logically at
the centre of all three mains postulates. Seven characteristics in all. The
three primary objects, the three secondary objects and i in the centre
validated as the third harmonic generated by the first wave. Although I
could be wrong.

In my mind I call these sigint characteristics id the ego and the superego
of computing.

AC/DC transformations

>From my perspective time is what stands still, everything else moves
through time. This is why time is mapped only in regression by humans, we
monitor past events and then we try to predict the future.

One kernel developer on this list, tried to tell me that systemd was going
to fix a hardware issue. I'm still waiting to see how that is going to
happen on a cpu hash he isn't even aware of. Except to build more fences.

My problems are small compared to his.

Personally, I'm just trying to solve an argument between Plymouth, anaconda
and my display; systemd and SElinux; because Wayland fixed most of my
display issues when I opted out of the proprietary drivers for NVIDIA after
I upgraded to F32.

However the upgrade dist function of dnf reintroduced an old fedora bug and
on F33 I'm hung on basic target because I installed from live media. I
think I'll install the beta and try to move forward from there.

Those are my personal problems in using linux, finding the point on my
machine where PID (drei) telemetric audit trails begin and where IT ends;
answering for myself the age old question why use telinit when init is
shorter and easier to type.

I still haven't figured all the math on that one, however I am trying to
learn more as I go along.

Maybe I'll never get to that final answer because I'm so very bad at math,
but that doesn't stop me from trying to stitch the endpoints together using
some semblance of crc signaling logic.

If you see that as a logical fallacy on this reply to your response to my
post. I'm sorry I can't explain any better than this answer at this time.
Except that statistics are the ventriloquist's dummy and the way things are
supposed to work, is the difference between theory and practice.

"In theory there is no difference between Theory and Practice. In practice,
there is."

On this list, where personalities range from their own personal
descriptions of ultra elite knowledge and associations, to us ordinary
users, I often have trouble asking and answering questions myself.

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