[GTALUG] for multi-hop ssh/scp: option "ProxyJump"

Scott Sullivan scott at revident.net
Sat Aug 29 18:31:56 EDT 2020

I've had to do the kinda of multiple proxy jumps Hugh is alluding too. 
It was common in a Managed Service Provider I worked for.

FYI, the ProxyJump directive was only introduces in OpenSSH version 7.3. 
As we had a lot of legacy RHEL/CentOS 6 systems, which were not yet on 
that version, we had to use the older pattern of ProxyCommand and NetCat 

Combining ProxyJump along with User, Port and IdentityFile directives in 
your .ssh/config file, you can preform some amazing back-flips and 
lateral moves through infrastructure. I think my record was 5 layers of 
depth, but a don't have those config files any more.

Dropping your public keys, and 'ForwardAgent yes' in .ssh/config in ever 
user/system along the proxy chain means you can have a single SSH 
command take you all the way to the end of the chain without being 
prompted for a password at each hop.

# === SITE 1 ===
# Best-practice firewall rules means jump-box is the only host reachable 
via VPN, so is always our first hop.

Host jump-box
HostName jump-box.example.org
User someone

Host stargate
ProxyCommand ssh -q someone at jump-box nc stargate.example.org 22

Host stargate2
ProxyCommand ssh -q someone at jump-box nc 22

# === SITE 2 ===
Host jump.site2.other.org
ProxyCommand ssh -q someone at stargate2 nc 22

# === SITE 3 ===
Host 192.168.3.*
ProxyCommand ssh -q someone at stargate nc %h 22

# === SITE 5 ===
Host 10.90.5.*
ProxyCommand ssh -q someone at stargate nc %h 22
User differentuser

# Examples
# ssh someone at
# A double jump, host/ip wildcard says we need to connect via 
'stargate', which will resolve further to 'jump-box' which is 
canonically 'jump-box.example.org'


On 8/29/20 11:55 AM, D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk wrote:
> I'm away from home, regularly accessing my computers at home.
> Easy: ssh into a gateway machine and ssh from there into the internal
> machine of my choice.  Nested ssh sessions.
> It gets a little more annoying when I want to transfer a file.
> The new-to-me ssh/scp option "ProxyJump" handles this conveniently.
> Consider the example of transferring a file "f" from machine "home"
> through machine "gw" to machine "away", all done from an xterm on
> "away".
> Note: because "away" is behind NAT, "gw" cannot scp to it.
> Note: -A enables ssh-agent to avoid some manual authentication
> Note: things become more complicated if f has slashes.
> [away] $ ssh -A gw
> [gw] $ scp -p home:f .
> [gw] $ exit
> [away] $ scp -p gw:f .
> [away] $ ssh -A gw
> [gw] $ rm f
> [gw] $ exit
> This can be simplified because the ssh command allows shell commands
> as arguments.  That's not a habit I've developed.
> [away] $ ssh -A gw scp -p home:f .
> [away] $ scp -p gw:f .
> [away] $ ssh -A gw rm f
> The ProxyJump option makes this a lot simpler:
> [away] $ scp -p -o 'ProxyJump gw' home:f .
> I have no need for more than one intermediate hop so I haven't figured out
> how that would work.
> ---
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Scott Sullivan

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