[GTALUG] March 2019 meeting video

Znoteer znoteer at mailbox.org
Thu Mar 28 10:03:30 EDT 2019

On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 07:32:58PM -0400, Alex Volkov wrote:
> Helly Znoteer,
> I don't know what might be wrong, I didn't do anything special about
> the video and it's been on youtube for some time -- so every resolution
> should be available.
> Maybe it's a glich with youtube. Does anyone experience the same problem?
> You can try playing it from the playlist -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAdO16ER-GE&list=PLUgE6dqIXiEuAJFyGOpYYaztfuj81nOS7

Temporary glitch with youtube.  It's working this morning.


znoteer at mailbox.org

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