[GTALUG] Running Dell branded Nvidia gtx 1060 in non-dell system

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh at mimosa.com
Mon Aug 5 11:12:13 EDT 2019

| From: Alex Volkov via talk <talk at gtalug.org>

| I have another system with Ryzen 5 2400G and was hoping to run ROCm on it, but
| as it turns out -- ROCm doesn't fully support AMD cards with built-in
| graphics. I still can install discreet card into that system but the solution
| is not as cheap as getting a used GTX off craigslist.

In January I saw cheap Radeo RX 580s on Kijiji too.  I haven't looked

One advantage of AMD over nvidia is that larger memories are more common.

It's a shame about ROCm's lack of APU support.  Parts of it are there.


    The iGPU in AMD APUs

    The following APUs are not fully supported by the ROCm stack.

	“Carrizo” and “Bristol Ridge” APUs
	“Raven Ridge” APUs

    These APUs are enabled in the upstream Linux kernel drivers and the
    ROCm Thunk. Support for these APUs is enabled in the ROCm OpenCL
    runtime. However, support for them is not enabled in our HCC compiler,
    HIP, or the ROCm libraries. In addition, because ROCm is currently
    focused on discrete GPUs, AMD does not make any claims of continued
    support in the ROCm stack for these integrated GPUs.

    In addition, these APUs may may not work due to OEM and ODM choices
    when it comes to key configurations parameters such as inclusion of
    the required CRAT tables and IOMMU configuration parameters in the
    system BIOS. As such, APU-based laptops, all-in-one systems, and
    desktop motherboards may not be properly detected by the ROCm drivers.
    You should check with your system vendor to see if these options are
    available before attempting to use an APU-based system with ROCm.

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