[GTALUG] War story: OpenWRT USB access

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh at mimosa.com
Wed Jan 7 18:52:03 UTC 2015

| From: Giles Orr <gilesorr at gmail.com>


| But attempting to run mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ fails with mount: mounting
| /dev/sda1 on /mnt/ failed: Invalid argument, although we do now have a
| /dev/sda1 device in the /dev/ folder and /mnt/ is a valid folder.

The diagnostics from mount(8) and mount(2) certainly can leave you in
the dark.  I've been stuck at various times, cursing mount.

| I'm willing to try anything by this point, so I installed:
| kmod-nls-iso8859-1
| kmod-nls-cp437
| Test again, and ... I can mount USB storage devices!


I wonder how you could have figured this out (except via folklore).

Since it is a kernel module that is missing the nls-* modules, the
only ways of reporting the problem are: EWHATEVER return code (rather
non-specific) or logging (would have to be rate-limited).  I guess
neither of these were used.

Can you fix the web page that gave you the first hints to include the
lore about nls-*?

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