[GTALUG] Resume Driven Development

Gordon Chillcott gordontc at look.ca
Mon Oct 13 21:05:01 UTC 2014

This is a problem that has been around for some time - many, many years,
in fact.  It surprises me to see this article now.

I've been guilty of this sort of thing myself from time to time - on a
first pass selection, but I was lucky that the client we were usually
sourcing for used a rather brutal questionnaire that demanded to know
when, for how long and for what purpose the experience in some skill was
gained.   That was singularly useful - it filtered out a LOT of people.

The other warning to give, by the way, is to watch what you tell the HR
people.   I once was quizzed for a full 15 minutes on my ability to use
"word pictures" to explain things.  There was not a question that really
covered my technical skills (it was a technical position).  That kind of
thing has happened on a number of such interviews.


On Mon, 2014-10-13 at 12:40 -0400, David Collier-Brown wrote:
> This is an interesting side discussion to the problem of HR
> departments filtering out the good people and passing on people with
> the highest number of keyword matches to the hiring managers.
> [This one keeps coming up in both GTALUG and UU discussions:
> crossposted.]
> --dave
> -------- Original Message -------- 
>                           Subject: 
> Resume Driven Development
>                              Date: 
> Sat, 11 Oct 2014 13:38:37 GMT
>                              From: 
> <Mike Loukides>
> http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/oreilly/radar/atom/~3/vgBYi2NC_FY/resume-driven-development.html
> Crossed_Wires_Howard_Lake_Flickr
> I had a conversation recently with Martin Thompson (@mjpt777), a
> London-based developer who specializes in performance and low-latency
> systems. I learned about Martin through Kevlin Henney’s Tweets about
> his recent talk at Goto Aarhus.
> We talked about a disturbing trend in software development: Resume
> Driven Development, or RDD. Resume Driven Development happens when
> your group needs to hire a developer. It’s very hard to tell a
> non-technical HR person that you need someone who can make good
> decisions about software architecture, someone who knows the
> difference between clean code and messy code, and someone who’s able
> to look at a code base and see what’s unnecessary and what can be
> simplified. We frequently can’t do that ourselves. So management says,
> “oh, we just added Redis to the application, so we’ll need a Redis
> developer.” That’s great — it’s easy to throw out resumes that don’t
> say Redis; it’s easy to look for certifications; and sooner or later,
> you have a Redis developer at a desk. Maybe even a good one.
> And what does your Redis developer do? He does Redis, of course. So,
> you’re bound to have an application with a lot of Redis in it.
> Whenever he sees a problem that can be solved with Redis, that’s what
> he’ll do. It’s what you hired him for. You’re happy; he’s happy.
> Except your application is now being optimized to fit the resumes of
> the people you hired, not the requirements of your users.
> I have nothing against Redis. Substitute any other great tool (Node,
> Django, jQuery, AngularJS — the list is very long) in any tier of the
> application, and you’ll end up with the same story. If this scenario
> bears any resemblance to the truth (and it certainly does), you
> probably will rinse, substitute some other tool, and repeat. Now you
> have a developer whose job is to make sure there’s a lot of Angular in
> the system. Sooner or later, you have a nice “full stack” that’s using
> just about everything in the modern bestiary of programming languages
> and frameworks.
> This isn’t a good situation. The problem isn’t the tools, each of
> which serves a need and is good at doing what it does. The problem
> isn’t the developers; you hired good Redis, Angular, and Node guys,
> and they’re all doing what they were hired to do. The problem is that
> your team is optimized around the inability to communicate at a
> critical stage: the inability of a technical team to specify what they
> really want (a developer with good programming taste and instincts),
> and instead hiring someone who has a particular skill or credential.
> Martin and I suspect that Resume Driven Development is quite
> pervasive: an overly complex application stack that’s defined by the
> people you hired, and by the current toys that the “cool kids” on the
> programming block get to play with, not by the requirements of the
> application.
> If it all works, what’s the problem? Well, the problem is that it
> probably doesn’t work. Martin has gotten latencies from tens of
> seconds down to sub-second levels just by stripping layers out of the
> stack. The resulting code is simpler, easier to work with, and much
> more productive: customers buy stuff; customers actually explore the
> site and shop because they’re no longer frustrated while waiting
> around for their request to percolate through an overly complex site.
> This isn’t an easy problem to solve. The complete system (software,
> engineers, HR staff) tends to optimize around the wrong problem:
> simplifying the process of evaluating candidates by listing a set of
> skills. In the process, it pessimizes what should be most important:
> the ability to serve customers effectively. The result is a large,
> complex technology stack, a Yak with a lot of multi-colored hair to
> shave, that’s defined by the institutional setting, not the job’s real
> technical requirements.
> How do we fix this? It’s easy to say “hire good people”; but hiring
> good people is hard. When you’re looking for good programming
> instincts and a solid understanding of the fundamentals,
> certifications don’t help; degrees don’t help. But certainly
> understanding the problem, understanding why your “full stack” has
> grown so full, is a start. And before you ask HR to find a developer
> who is familiar with AcuteJS and Lymph, think about who you really
> want in that seat.
> Cropped image on article and category pages by Howard Lake on Flickr,
> used under a Creative Commons license.
> ---
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