OT? -- Banning IP's making high volume of bad requests

Kevin Cozens kevin-4dS5u2o1hCn3fQ9qLvQP4Q at public.gmane.org
Fri Sep 19 16:04:27 UTC 2014

On 19/09/2014 7:44 AM, Matt Price wrote:
> This morning I woke up to see  hundreds of thousands of requests from
> 2 IPs to a web page that has a known exploit.  Here is a log entry:
> I would like to tell fail2ban to block these IP's when this happens --
> they aren't doing any damage yet but they account for most of my
> bandwith right now and I would rather they not keep me o ntheir 'easy
> targets' list.  Does anyone know how to do this -- if not with
> fail2ban than with some other tool?

If fail2ban isn't banning the IPs automatically I can't think of another 
tool that would do the job. One option would be to use the Apache error page 
URLs to have a PHP based page come up which could add the offending IP to 
the firewall with a DROP rule.

When I have had to do this in the past I have added a static route to a 
non-existant IP address. Later I added the IP to hosts.deny. These days I 
would add a rule in iptables to drop traffic from the offending IP address.



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