cell phone battery for HTC One X

James Knott james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Thu May 22 21:30:31 UTC 2014

On 05/22/2014 05:17 PM, Dave Cramer wrote:
> How did you get the Nexus 5 without a contract from Rogers ?

I am a long time customer.  I got my first (analog) phone in 1995 and
the last phone I got from Rogers was in the spring of 1995.  So, I
called them up and asked what they could offer me.   Since there was no
contract, I retained my old plan, but can't get another phone for 3
years.  I also have a decent plan.  I get 200 weekday minutes, unlimited
evenings & weekends, unlimited texting, up to 10 Canadian numbers I can
have unlimited calling to, without long distance charging or even
affecting my weekday minutes, call display and 6 GB of data, all for
about $57/month.  My N5 supports LTE and is ready for 700 MHz when
Rogers makes it available.  My old phone, a Nexus 1, which I bought
direct from Google was 3G and I was running out of memory for apps on
it.  If I hadn't got that deal from Rogers, I would have also bought the
N5 direct from Google.  The Nexus phones are unlocked and get the
software updates as soon as they're available, instead of waiting for
the manufacturer or carrier to provided them.

BTW, a while ago, I came across a bill from shortly after I got my first
phone.  It was $25/month and there were no free minutes, let alone
texting, data etc.

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