FSOSS CFP announced

Marcelo Cavalcante kalibslack-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Tue Aug 12 00:51:48 UTC 2014

Hello Chris,

Got to admit, you have an interesting point of view. I did just read all
your page and I must confess.. as I'm not a designer, I never really
thought about these things. I'm used to run my web browsers with the
default configurations, so I never had these kind of problems. In fact, I
did create a few pages, but only for personal purposes and never really
thought about all of those aspects.

For example, right now I'm curious about my personal blog. Does it looks
like fine for you? I would be glad to receive a screenshot of it from your
perspective: http://blog.marcelocavalcante.net

PS: No need to send it to the list, as this is probably OFF TOPIC.

Best Regards,


Marcelo Cavalcante Rocha - Kalib

Pós-Graduando em Governança de Tecnologia da Informação - ESTÁCIO/FIC
Graduado em Sistemas de Informações - ESTÁCIO/FIC
Usuário Linux #407564 | Usuário Asterisk #1148
Fortaleza - Ceará - Brazil
Celular: +55 085 87620983
Certificações: ITIL V3
 | CSM <http://www.scrumalliance.org/> | LPI-C1 <http://www.lpi.org/> |
LPI-C2 <http://www.lpi.org/> | LPI-C3 <http://www.lpi.org/> | Novell CLA
Minha Pessoa: Blog <http://www.marcelocavalcante.net>
Projetos: Tux-CE <http://www.tux-ce.org> | Archlinux-br
<http://www.archlinux-br.org> | Chakra <http://www.chakra-project.org/> | KDE
Brasil <http://br.kde.org> | TLUG <http://gtalug.org/wiki/Main_Page> |
PUG-CE <http://pug-ce.python.org.br/blog/>


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2014-08-11 21:26 GMT-03:00 Chris F.A. Johnson <chris-E7bvbYbpR6jSUeElwK9/Pw at public.gmane.org>:

> On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Marcelo Cavalcante wrote:
>  Which browser do you use?
>> Tried it in firefox, chromium, opera and konqueror.. looks fine for all
>> of these.
>    It has nothing to do with which browser. It has to do with the
>    viewer's minimum font size.
>    <http://twd.cfaj.ca/knownot.html>
>    Oh dear. Another one for the collection: <http://b.cfaj.ca/fsoss.jpg>
> --
> Chris F.A. Johnson, <http://cfajohnson.com>
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